Vol. 27 (2019): Naukovij časopis Nacìonal’nogo pedagogìčnogo unìversitetu ìmenì M.P.Dragomanova. Serìâ 14. Teorìâ ì metodika mistec’koï osvìti

					View Vol. 27 (2019): Naukovij časopis Nacìonal’nogo pedagogìčnogo unìversitetu ìmenì M.P.Dragomanova. Serìâ 14. Teorìâ ì metodika mistec’koï osvìti

ISSN 2664-1909 (print)

Nauk. čas. Nac. pedagogìčnogo unìv. ìm. M.P. Dragomanova, Ser. 14, Teor. metod. mistec. osv.
[Scientific journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education]
Issue 27. Year 2019

The printed version is published: December 27, 2019

Published: 2019-12-27

Section 2. Professional training of the upcoming teachers of arts disciplines