


justice, equality, gender equality, gender justice, gender psychology, gender mainstreaming


The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the concept of justice and its role in the context of psychological research in gender psychology. The conducted scientific research testified to the existence of different approaches to understanding the content and essence of the concept of justice in the humanities. Understanding of this concept depends on the historical epoch, socio-political system, economic factors of society. The relationship between morality, law and justice as a basic principle of human interaction in society is exposed. Equality considered being the basic criterion of justice. The principle of just inequality has been found to prevail in different historical epochs, when some people had privileges and the others were deprived of them. This was especially true for females. It is noted that in philosophy, justice is defined as the highest principle of human life and the basis for autonomy and personal development. It is determined that along with the concept of justice for philosophical and psychological science the concept of social justice is important that explains the process of fair interaction between man and society. It can be seen that within the social events of the twentieth century there was a shift in the paradigm of understanding the principles of justice from “equal opportunities” to “equal results”. It is substantiated that the observance of gender equality cannot take place without reliance on the principle of social justice, in particular, gender justice. It is emphasized that gender equality and requirements for its observance are approved at the legislative level in Ukraine. It is determined that the essence of gender justice is related to equality and justice in the distribution of benefits and responsibilities between men and women. It is emphasized that the study of the influence of psychological and social factors on the development of gender justice is carried out within the framework of gender psychology using a gender approach. It is noted that the use of the principle of gender justice leads to the formation of gender equality.


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