Experimental study of the musical-scenic skills formed into future teachers of music and choreography


  • Li Yang National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)


diagnostics; formation of musical-scenic skills; music and choreography teacher; musical-scenic skills; stages of experimental research


The experimental study of the formation of musical-scenic skills of students of arts faculties of pedagogical universities in the professional training process is revealed. The peculiarities of using the achievements of the theatre pedagogy in the process of training of future teachers of music and choreography for professional activity is emphasised. The development of diagnostic techniques for the formation of musical and stage skills of future teachers of music and choreography is shown. Four blocks of musical-scenic skill components are defined, such as motivational-oriented, cognitive-cognitive, emotional correction, communicative-artistic, as well as criteria and indicators. The level characteristics of the process of forming musical and stage skills of future teachers have been developed. Real grade of skills development has been monitored. It became conceptual in further stages of the experimental research. It is conducted the diagnostic measures aimed at revealing levels of awareness of the importance of forming professional skills of future teachers of music and choreography. The analysis of the results of the survey shows that almost 82,6% of the respondents are not satisfied with the formation of their musical-scenic skills in terms of own choreographic performing activities. But it is acceptable that 89,8% of them have a desire to improve themselves. Unfortunately, the vast majority of students (81,4%) believe they are not developing their own musical-scenic skills in the process of learning. Some students (24,6%) indicate that future teachers can enhance own artistic skills for play a bright artistic image. Studying musical-performing disciplines such as gymnastics, rhythm, basics of acting, all of these can help.

Author Biography

Li Yang, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

Li Yang, Postgraduate Student at the Faculty of Arts named after Anatolii Avdiievskyi, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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