The History of the development of flute art




flute, performer, construction, playing technique, treatise, flute repertoire


In the article, the theoretical and practical substantiation of a complex study of the history of the development of flute art is carried out, which determines its relevance for modern artistic and pedagogical practice. The ways of the origin of the flute, its development from ancient times to the present are analyzed. The historical retrospective presents the structural changes of flute instruments, in particular the structural features of the flute of the 18th century and the modernization of the flute in the 19th and 20th centuries: by making numerous changes in the design. The role of J. Kvantz and T. Böhm in the development of flute art is noted.

The works of foreign (J. Kvants, J. Tromlitz) and Ukrainian (Y. Kachmarik, I. Yermak, Y. Karpyak, M. .Piertsov) researchers, the composer's contribution to the development of flute art is considered. Special attention is paid to the Ukrainian flute school, the formation of which is connected with the opening of conservatories in large cities (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Lviv) and the development of composer practice.


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