


ecological consciousness, ecological self-consciousness anthropocentric type of ecological consciousness, nature-centric type of ecological consciousness, ecocentric type of ecological consciousness


The ecological crisis, which is becoming more acute in the modern world, actualizes new approaches to the scientific understanding of the interaction between human and nature. The basic ones are anthropocentric, nature-centric and eco-centric, which are aimed at forming the corresponding type of ecological consciousness and self-consciousness of the individual. The purpose of the study is to identify the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of ecological identity of the individual in modern psychology. The anthropocentric type of ecological consciousness affirms human as the highest value and the main subject of the organization of the environment, for which the world around him is a resource to meet needs. The nature-centric type recognizes the highest value of nature, the service of which should be directed to the activities of the individual. For the ecocentric type of ecological consciousness, the highest value is the harmonious development of nature and human as part of it, taking into account the possible consequences of anthropogenic impact.
According to psychologists, the ecological self-consciousness of the individual is formed through separation from the world and awareness of their own ability to influence it. It can manifest itself as an awareness of the material world and the relationship between its systems and as a definition of the role and place of the human in this world. The ratio of the components of ecological self-awareness reflects the current state of development of society.
Among the most pressing environmental problems today, reflecting the content and direction of ecological self-awareness of the individual, scientists include the actual environmental, social, scientific, psychological, educational, and practical (in particular, providing psychological assistance to victims of natural disasters, environmental disasters, methods of diagnosis and formation of ecological consciousness and self-consciousness, etc.).


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