



socio-psychological adaptation, informal groups, formal groups, informal subculture, personality, youth, adulthood


The article presents the results of the study, which allow to expand the scientific vision of adaptation and consider it not only as a process of adaptation to new circumstances, but also as an important process of personal growth and development. The presented study aimed to identify the features of socio-psychological adaptation of adolescents of male and female gender in the informal subculture, compared with respondents who do not belong to it. The research method is a questionnaire of socio-psychological adaptation (SPA) by K. Rogers and R. Diamond. The sample consisted of males and females in adolescence and adulthood. With the help of randomization procedures, two groups of respondents were created, each consisting of 160 individuals representing informal and formal groups, respectively.
The results of studying the integrated socio-psychological adaptation of participants of informal and formal groups and its individual components are revealed. According to the vast majority of components of socio-psychological adaptation, active members of informal groups have higher scores compared to average respondents, in particular, on the scales of “adaptability”, “self-acceptance”, “emotional comfort”, “internal control”, “desire for dominance”. “Conformity”, “escapism”, but lower rates on the scale of “acceptance of others”. The age peculiarities of social and psychological adaptation are empirically determined, namely, the difficulties and advantages of the course of adaptation processes of the representatives of youth and adulthood, which belong / do not belong to informal subcultures. Significantly the most maladaptive are average young men, compared to average adult men (p≤0.05) and informal boys (p≤0.01).In adolescence, the best adaptive properties in the informal subcultural environment were found by the boys, compared to adult men, and in adulthood by women compared to young girls. Gender differentiation of peculiarities of adaptation course in adolescence and adulthood is carried out taking into account the impact on this process of informal subculture. Negative age dynamics of integral adaptation in males, and positive – in females belonging to the informal subculture, were revealed. In general, young men and adult women are more adaptable than young women and adult men. It is proved that active participants of informal groups are socially and psychologically better adapted to these groups, compared to the adaptation of participants of formal groups.


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