


moral self-consciousness, affective component, emotional component, cognitive component, behavioral component, worldview component.


The article deals with the theoretical analysis of approaches to the understanding of personality moral self-consciousness. It is focused on singling out theoretical psychological peculiarities, a structure and mechanisms of the personality moral self-consciousness development. The main objectives are a psychological analysis and generalization of moral consciousness formation peculiarities which are based on it.
Moral self-consciousness is defined as a specific form of moral consciousness, selfconsciousness, one’s own moral values, attitudes, qualities, potential opportunities, actions and their motives, consequences, one’s own behavior regulation and moral self-improvement. There are two levels of moral self-consciousness. The other person’s «I», its qualities evaluation are compared at the first level, and then these qualities are transferred to you. At the second level, there is a correlation of self-knowledge in the process of auto communication, that is to say, within the limits of «I and I». A person has already operated with formed knowledge of himself/herself. At this level, the person brings into correlation his/her behavior with the motivation he/she realizes. Moral self-consciousness can have a three-component structure which includes affective (emotional), cognitive, behavioral (regulatory) components, or a four-component structure (cognitive, worldview, behavioral, emotional components). The main characteristics of the moral consciousness cognitive component are moral knowledge, beliefs and moral reflection. The emotional value component of moral consciousness is represented by moral values and moral feelings. The behavioral component is presented by moral self-regulation. Moral self-consciousness is not only an understanding of certain problems and life circumstances in terms of moral values acknowledged by the person, it is his/her own self-esteem, attempt to understand the justice and validity of the moral principles which he/she is guided by.


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