


adolescence, affectation of the interpersonal interaction, dominance, contact, interpersonal interaction.


The aim of the research is to investigate the psychological characteristics of youth’s behavior in the context of interpersonal interaction. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods have been applied for the realization of the research tasks. The main results of empirical research of behavioral activity, affectation and manifestations of youth’s dominance in the situation of interpersonal interaction are presented in the article. Their age, gender and dynamic characteristics have been analyzed. As a result of the empirical research,it was defined that the most of modern youth does not show a great interest in establishing interpersonal contacts. Age dynamics of interpersonal interaction was found and its gender characteristics were analyzed. The period from the teen-age to adulthood there is a decrease in the level of social contacting of young people. This dynamics is typical for boys more than girls. It is stated that a higher level of the interpersonal activity is peculiar for young boysin the аdolescence. As for young girls, they are more active in the adulthood.It is noted that young people of the аdolescence expresstheir emotions in the process of interpersonal interaction differently: frompathological emotionality tocomplete indifference. The tendency of increasing pathological indicators of emotionality in the interaction during the period of adulthood is analyzed. This dynamics is more common for male representatives compared to females. The empirical study proves that there is an adequate level of emotional activity for boys, and for young girls it is high. It is established thatthemajority of modern youth tends to satisfy their own need of dominance in the process of the interaction with others. Іn the early adolescence characteristics of dominant behavior are much more frequent than in the late one, and boys are inferior to girls in the level of dominance.


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