



anxiety, preschool children, the factors of children anxiety, behavioral manifestations of anxiety.


The article emphasizes the urgency of the problem of forming the emotional sphere of preschoolage children, as well as the prevention or correction of its negative manifestations, including the manifestations of anxiety. The essence of anxiety is revealed as an emotional state (experiencing emotional discomfort associated with the expectation of troubles) and personal quality (increased tendency to feel disturbed in any life situations). The approaches of the scientists to the factors of child anxiety are analyzed and the most common explanations among them of the anxious behavior of preschool-age children are singled out: 1) children anxiety is directly proportional to the comfort / stress of the life situation; 2) the anxiety of the child is increased by the constant expectation of possible negative consequences (physical discomfort, pain, punishment, humiliation) of any real or imagined influence, situation, action, person, etc; 3) child anxiety is closely linked to the destructive and unstable behavior and parental influence, especially mother’s; 4) having a positive family history, mostly mother’s, of anxiety disorders existence can provoke unjustified anxiety in children; 5) disturbance of neuropsychological and neurophysiological regulation is an age-old feature of preschoolers and a factor of their anxiety. Using a set of empirical methods (projective methods, testing, questioning, self-assessment method), the level and features of anxiety (anxiety as a personality trait) in older preschool-age children were investigated. It has been found that the amount of preschool-age children with anxiety is not critical, but there is a relatively stable proportion of children (17.5%) who have different manifestations of high anxiety. Significant correlation links were found between children behavioral anxiety, their level of mental distress, and inadequate self-esteem. It has been stated that not all parents are ready to accept information about the child’s anxiety, and nursery teachers often do not consider it to be the evidence of problematic preschooler development. In the absence of timely psychoprophylactic and psycho-correction work, these manifestations can become established and develop into serious anxiety disorders.


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