


direction of aggression, factors of aggression, integral empathy, forms of empathy, anxiety, adolescence.


The article discusses theoretical approaches and analyzes the results of an empirical study of aggression and its factors in the interpersonal interaction of young Ukrainians in the context of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. A hierarchical systematization of indicators of aggressive orientation of young people towards different social subjects (in descending order of indicators) is carried out: leadership, peer behavior, behavior of strangers, parental behavior, self, formal external society. It is proved that there are gender differences in the direction of youth aggression: boys are more tolerant of their own self and the behavior of strangers and less tolerant of the behavior of peers and formal external society, compared to girls. The positive dynamics of integral empathy of adolescent personality and the dominance of prosocial behavior in interpersonal interaction are revealed. The hierarchical systematization of the frequency of manifestations of the forms of empathy of adolescent personality has the following sequence (in descending order of indicators): real assistance not to the detriment of oneself, altruism, passive empathy, compassion, anti-empathy, empathy, indifference. The gender differentiation of the manifestations of forms of integral empathy revealed the presence of higher empathy indicators in young men, their greater readiness to manifest effective forms of empathy, compared to girls.  It is revealed that most adolescents in wartime have a high level of situational and personal anxiety, and their gender differences are found, in particular, boys have no indicators of low situational anxiety (they show only moderate and high levels of it), while girls have them at all levels. There are significant positive correlations between the indicators of aggression directed at leadership and indifference and situational anxiety; behavior of strangers and situational and personal anxiety; peer behavior and internal assistance; self and anti-empathy, situational and personal anxiety, as well as a negative correlation between the indicators of aggression towards formal external society and assistance not to the detriment of oneself.


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