


learning activity, extrinsic learning motivation, intrinsic learning motivation, internal locus of control, external locus of control.


The article is focused on the theoretical and empirical analysis of the relationship between the locus of control and motivation of educational activities of psychology students. To conduct the study, a series of theoretical (analysis and synthesis of literature on the research problem) and psychodiagnostic methods was used, such as “Diagnostics of students’ educational motivation”
(A.O. Rean and V.A. Yakunin, modified by N. Ts. Badmaeva), “Determination of the level of subjective control” (E.F. Bazhyn, E.A. Golynkina, L.M. Etkind). The relationship between the indicators obtained was determined by correlation analysis (r-Spearman). The total sample of the study consisted of 90 people - third- and fourth-year students of Vadym Getman KNEU, Borys Grinchenko KSU and Mykhailo Dragomanov USU. The age and gender of the respondents were not taken into account in the study. According to the study results, the most pronounced (in descending order) motives among the students are communication motives, prestige and professional motives, motives to avoid troubles and complaints. In addition, a significant number of students study at higher education institutions only to obtain a higher education diploma, and because they like the social role of the student. Most students are dominated by extrinsic motivation and an external locus of control. It has been established that the level of subjective control of psychology students affects the motivation of their educational activities. Students with an internal locus of control have a predominant internal motivation and study at higher education institutions, primarily for the purpose of gaining knowledge and future successful professional activities. Higher education students with an external locus of control have mainly external learning motivation and their goal is primarily to obtain a good grade, diploma, scholarship, teacher and classmates’ approval, rather than mastering the content of academic subjects or gaining deep professional knowledge. Thus, the results of the correlation analysis have empirically proven the existence of a sufficiently pronounced relationship between the level of subjective control of psychology students and the motivation of their learning activities.


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