


leisure, conflict interaction, intimacy, married couples, the value of marital relations.


Objective. The article is devoted to a theoretical-empirical analysis of the psychological essence of family leisure and the importance of family club activities in centers of social services for youth (SSY), as well as determining the dependence of the level of conflict between spouses, the tendency of family members to have nervous breakdowns on the organization of their joint leisure time. Research methods: theoretical (theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature on research problems); empirical (observation, testing, questionnaires); mathematical (statistical data processing, correlation analysis using Fisher’s φ angular transformation. Results. It was determined that with a small number of hours that the family allocates for joint family leisure time, a high level of conflict interactions in the couple and an increased risk of a nervous breakdown of the spouses can be observed. It was recorded , that in the absence of organized joint leisure between family members, emotional distance and high autonomy of partners are observed. It has been proven that the involvement of married couples in family leisure in organized institutions, a specialized system of psychological measures contribute to reducing the frequency and intensity of marital conflicts. According to the results of repeated diagnosis most of the researched, especially women, recorded a decrease in the manifestations of behavioral patterns inherent in manipulative influences and nervous breakdowns, which proved the emotional significance and value for women of spending time together with their partner.The obtained results made it possible to state that close interaction with a partner serves as a psychological resource both for each of the spouses and for the family as a whole. Conclusions. It has been established that the cultural and developmental activities of clubs at the SSY and the social and psychological measures implemented by them contribute to the process of organizing family leisure for married couples, serve as a necessary condition for the establishment of interpersonal relationships between spouses, increase the level of closeness and unity between partners, and also reduce anxiety, aggressiveness and personal burnout of partners.


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