


full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine, danger, stress, general level of stress, gender differences in stress signs.


The article examines the main scientific approaches to the study of stress factors affecting the personality, in particular during the full-scale russian-Ukrainian war. The purpose of the study is to identify the general level of stress of the individual in the conditions of the full-scale invasion of russia in Ukraine and to find its gender differences. The specificity of the general stress of the individual is considered and analyzed according to its corresponding gradations: absent (weak) stress, moderate, pronounced stress, a state of severe stress, depletion of adaptive energy reserves. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of the development of general stress among modern Ukrainians in the conditions of military rule in the country, as well as its intellectual, behavioral, emotional and physiological signs, are presented. It is shown that the vast majority of Ukrainians are in a state of moderate and severe tension during the full-scale war with russia in Ukraine. A small number of people have no/mild stress or severe stress. The gender differentiation of general stress and its intellectual, behavioral, emotional and physiological signs in the conditions of a full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine is analyzed and described. It has been proven that the intensity of general stress in men and women has no significant differences and is in the zone of pronounced tension. In women, the frequency and range of stress manifestations in all its signs is higher, compared to men. A statistically significant difference in the physiological manifestations of stress between men and women was revealed: the intensity and number of phenomenological markers of stress in women is higher, compared to men. The existence of gender differences in the hierarchy of phenomenological markers of intellectual, behavioral, emotional and physiological signs of stress was established. In particular, it was established that in the behavioral and emotional manifestations of stress, the feminine nature of the reaction is preserved in most women, and the masculine nature of the reaction in men. At the physiological level, labile situational stress reactions prevail in men (increased sweating, accelerated non-rhythmic pulse), and in women - rigid, delayed ones (increased fatigue, pains in various parts of the body of an undefined nature, headaches).


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