


psychological health, student youth, situation of uncertainty, adaptation potential, locus of control, volitional control.


The purpose of the article is to represent the results of an empirical study of the psychological health of student youth in conditions of uncertainty. Research methods. Theoretical: analysis and generalization, systematization of domestic and foreign research; empirical: testing. Results and conclusions. Modern Ukrainian psychological science in the conditions of war is aimed to solve the urgent issues of supporting and preserving the psychological health of the young generation, since after the victory the vectors of the individual and social existence of the individual will fundamentally change, the issues of restoring and building a powerful state will be put on the agenda for the youth and finding their place in this process. In domestic and foreign science, special research attention is paid to the development of techniques and methods for maintaining psychosomatic health and providing psychological services to the population, understanding psychological health as a criterion for internal freedom and conditions for the professional development of an individual, etc. It was established that the main personal constructs of student youth representatives are formed at a sufficient level and able to support psychological health in conditions of uncertainty: developed self-regulation and a sufficient level of neuropsychological stability contribute to the formation and prosocial implementation of personal adaptability, and such important components as: mental lability, a high level of self-regulation, adequate self-esteem and self-perception, productive socialization significantly reduce the negative effects of emotional states, prevent the formation of stress, and promote readiness to act in an uncertain situation. The most expressive and stable personal characteristics that reveal the productivity of the adaptation process in conditions of uncertainty in modern youth are behavioral regulation and neuropsychological stability. The personal adaptation potential of young people in this sample is high, which can be considered as a positive indicator of the activity of their adaptation to uncertain environmental conditions. Further research will be aimed at the semantic content of each component of the psychological health of young people in a situation of uncertainty.


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