


professional activity, structure of professional activity, motivation, motivation of professional activity, adulthood.


The article presents the results of theoretical research of psychological sources on the problem of motivation of professional activity of adults. Theoretical positions of adult motives as determinants of their professional activity in the works of foreign and domestic psychologists are revealed. The structure of professional activity motivation in adulthood is determined and its three components are distinguished: internal motivation, external positive motivation and external negative motivation. Internal motivation arises from human needs and is directly related to the process and result of people’s professional activity. External positive motivation contains motives that are only indirectly related to the process and result of professional activity. External negative motivation includes motives that are not directly related to the process and result of professional activity, but which have a negative emotional color to avoid punishment, criticism, condemnation, and so on. It is proved that a person’s professional motivation is both a relatively stable and relatively variable dynamic psychological formation. The focus is on the influence of both external and internal factors in the adult professional activities. The content of adult professional activity motivation is determined: the presence of motive, emphasis on the process of activity, the conditionality of external and internal factors. Levels of adult professional activity motivation have been empirically studied. The participants of the research with high quality indicators demonstrated the presence of internal positive motives that determine their desire for personal and professional growth. Medium-level participants tend to focus on external positive motives (high salaries, management positions, etc.). External negative motivation predominates in those with low scores. For them, professional activity is perceived as a difficult and complex process. It is stated that the presence of formed, stable and conscious motivation is an important condition for effective professional activity of adults. The importance for further study of the value component of professional activity in adulthood is emphasized.


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