adaptation, adaptability, personality values, groups of high, medium and low adaptability, distribution of sampling into groups, personality, life, value-motivational sphereAbstract
The article focuses on the study of the role of the value and motivational sphere of the personality of Ukrainian winterers in the process of adaptation to life at the Ukrainian Antarctic station “Academician Vernadsky”. The actuality of the research chosen is based on the fact that Ukraine is one of 19 countries in the world with permanent Antarctic stations. The participants of Ukrainian Antarctic Expeditions fulfill scientific research on such branches of sciences as biology, hydrometeorology, geophysics, geology, engineering, psychology, psychophysiology. Winterers have to work in extreme conditions dealing with exposure to low temperatures, jet lag and light zones, sensory deprivation, psychological characteristics of work and rest in a limited team. The purpose of this article is the theoretical substantiation and empirical proof of the role of the value and motivational sphere of personality in the process of adapting Ukrainian winterers to life in the conditions of Antarctica. The scientific studies of domestic and foreign researchers who deal with the problem of adaptation to life in extreme conditions are analyzed. The concept of adaptation and adaptability to extreme conditions is specified. Methodological tools of research are approved and described. An empirical study on separating the groups of high, medium and low adaptability to vital activity in the extreme conditions of Antarctica is conducted. The criteria for allocating the groups of different levels of adaptability are determined: the number of winterers, sociometric rating, the presence of personality qualities that are essential for life in extreme conditions. The role of value and motivational sphere among the representatives of each group is determined.
It is proved that the winterers who have a high level of adaptability to a greater extent have professional values; the winterers who have an average and low level of adaptability have cognitive values; in addition to this the winterers who have a low level of adaptability to a large extent have material values.
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