The methods of Anatolii Avdiievskyi in the conducting work with a choir


  • Volodymyr Tkachuk G. Veryovka Ukrainian National Honoured Academic Folk Choir (Kyiv, Ukraine)


conducting-choral technique; interpretation of choral works; musical-choral aesthetics of Avdiievskyi; musical heritage of Ukrainian composers; Ukrainian artistic projects; vocal choir work


The creative portrait and the issue of choral aesthetics of the prominent Ukrainian choirmaster Anatolii Avdiievskyi are considered. The important methodological aspects of choral conducting, art direction and creative management were identified. Special emphasis is laid on Anatolii Avdiievskyi’s scrupulous work with 'a cappella' choral compositions that are the highlight of choir art. The specifics and significance of Avdiievskyi opinion in vocal and choir performance were singled out. Analysis of vocal music of Ukrainian master composers (M. Leontovych, L. Dytchko and others) are suggested. Anatolii Avdiievskyi’s vivid associative view of vocal, choir and choreography artworks is featured. The performing style evolution key stages of Ukrainian National Honoured Academic Folk Choir named after G.Veryovka are revealed. Anatolii Tymofiiovych Avdiievskyi implemented his specific technique of choral conducting, creative diraction and management, which is an unique cultural phenomenon integrating greatest  Ukrainian folk artistic attainments within the domain of vocal and choir, music and instrumental, choreographic art. The case study of effective cooperation of Ukrainian National Honoured Academic Folk Choir named after G.Veryovka with National Pedagogical Dragomanov University within the framework of joint arts project ('Mykola Kolessa – syn stolittia' / 'Mykola Kolessa – the Son of the Century') was exemplified. The striking concert programs created by the choir under the aegis of this prominent choirmaster are notable for their profoundness and perfection of artistic and performing conceptions; they combine tradition and novelty.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Tkachuk, G. Veryovka Ukrainian National Honoured Academic Folk Choir (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Tkachuk Volodymyr Vasylovych, Honored Arts Worker of Ukraine, Kapellmeister (Choir Conductor), G. Veryovka Ukrainian National Honoured Academic Folk Choir (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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