Functional analysis of self-conductive work of adolescents in the instrumental education process


  • U Jianqing National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)


independent work of adolescents; process of instrumental training; piano teaching and instructional education of adolescents


The article presents a functional analysis of independent work of adolescents in the process of instrumental learning. Among the main functions of piano teaching and learning instruction of adolescents is distinguished: cognitive, which promotes active, independent learning of knowledge and the formation of a creative person; integrative, which provides for the creation of fundamentally new educational information with the appropriate structuring of educational material, with educational and methodological support, with new technologies; verifically evaluated as a mechanism involved in the formation and implementation of a method of piano teaching and performance of adolescents and involves an assessment from the point of view of certain artistic and aesthetic norms; regulating that ensures the unmistakable functioning of piano teaching and performing work and manifests itself in the implementation of feedback in the course of activity and possible correction of future performance of students; predicting that it is connected with the formation and sanctioning of the main educational goal and prediction of the real result of artistic activity and is manifested in ensuring the development of artistic thinking and the general development of adolescents. The functional analysis of independent piano teaching and performing work of adolescents allowed to determine effective ways of its optimization taking into account the main system-forming principles of constructing open art education, in particular: continuity, systemicity, humanization, variability, flexibility and mobility, as well as a rational combination of autonomy and creative activity in artistic activity.

Author Biography

U Jianqing, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

U Jianqing, Postgraduate Student at the Faculty of Arts named after Anatolii Avdiievskyi, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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