Development of creativity in the process of music training as a component of the personalized becoming of junior pupils


  • Hou Yimei National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)


developing of junior pupils; musical and creative activity; teaching music at school (basis improvisation, polyphony)


In the article different approaches to the interpretation of creativity in native and foreign scientific literature are analyzed. The process of personality development has always been at the center of attention of scientists. It is noted that the creativity is one of the most powerful factors in the development of personality. Reforming education in Ukraine involves finding new forms and methods of learning. They are aimed at the formation of the personality of a pupil capable of creative activity. Consequently, the education of a creative personality is one of the main tasks of modern education. The purpose of the article is to reveal the significance of musical education for the development of creativity as a component of the personal formation of junior pupils. It is emphasized that there is no single understanding of the notion of creativity today. In scientific literature creativity is interpreted as an ability to creative activity and as a process of creative thinking. Scientists note the attraction of children to music, to which they react emotionally. Therefore, the development of creativity in the process of teaching music is one of the main tasks of contemporary artistic education. In the article the author's understanding of the junior pupil's creativity in the context of the development of his personality in the process of music training is presented. The significance of musical art in general psychological, physiological, intellectual development of children has been actualized. The influence of musical art on the emotional sphere of children is noted. Teaching music involves the use of musical and creative activities. In the course of this activity, the development of musical thinking takes place, personal qualities of junior pupils are formed. Musical improvisation positively influences the development of children's musical thinking. The powerful developing potential of polyphony for the development of the intelligence of junior pupils is emphasized. The influence of developed on folklore material polyphonic ear on the development of creative thinking of children was noted. The ways of solving the problem of development a creative personality in the process of teaching music are offered. It is noted that the development of the junior pupil's creativity in the process of teaching music should be regarded as an integral part of their personal development.

Author Biography

Hou Yimei, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

Hou Yimei, Postgraduate Student at the Faculty of Arts named after Anatolii Avdiievskyi, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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