Features of the formation of musical and aesthetic competence of adolescents at establishments of extracurricular arts education


  • Liao Bing National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)


extracurricular art education; musical and aesthetic competencies of adolescents; musical culture


The specifics of piano teaching of adolescent learners at establishments of extracurricular arts education is revealed. It is noted that the modernization of Ukrainian and Chinese educational system has exacerbated the contradictions between the objectives of education and the methods of their achievement, between the tasks set and the old musical and educational technologies. Therefore, the formation of the arts consciousness of pupils, the development of their musical worldview, the crystallization of the musical-auditory sphere are occuring arbitrarily. Appeal to the works of modern scientists showed that their scientific interests are aimed at studying the processes of musical thinking, aesthetic tastes and value orientations. In this regard, the article examines the problem of the formation of musical and aesthetic competence of adolescents on the basis of the competency approach. Analysis of performing activity in the process of learning to play the piano in the conditions of specialized art schools suggests that the musical and aesthetic competence of adolescent learners can be viewed as an integrative quality that includes emotional and sensual, cognitive, communicative and creative activity components. In the process of learning, these components acquire new qualities and specific features. In this complex structure, the primary place belongs to the emotional-sensory component, since for adolescent learners emotions become one of the most important mechanisms of mental activity and behavior. They have a clearly defined concrete situational character, the test express the attitude of pupils to a particular situation and their own manifestations in this situation. The selection of the cognitivistic component shows that the individual development of learners in the piano class occurs in the creative process of learning musical art, penetrating the artistic and imaginative content of the work, identifying its stylistic and genre features, understanding the laws of musical embodiment of figurative and semantic phenomena. The communicative component shows that it is important to direct the musical performance of learners to the perception of the music by another listener, which determines its communicative essence. This activity is especially vividly manifested in collective forms of playing music. Creative activity component of the aesthetic competence of adolescents aimed at organizing training in the class of piano and home music. The formation of the selected components is considered as a complex process that takes place over several stages, each of which has its own purpose and tasks.

Author Biography

Liao Bing, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

Liao Bing, Postgraduate Student at the Faculty of Arts named after Anatolii Avdiievskyi, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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