The content-target structural component of the self-control ability into piano learning and performance activities of future music teachers


  • Gao Zhoujun National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)


affective and cognitive self-control; content-target structural component of piano learning; future music teachers; self-control ability


The content-target structural component of the ability to self-control piano learning and performance of future music teachers is presented. There are two types of control: affective and cognitive self-control. In affective self-control, the subject of control is the emotional processes and motivation of the subject (feeling and desire). This type of self-control becomes the subject of original research, which relate primarily to the problem of freedom. In cognitive self-control, the subject of control is their own ideas and thoughts of the subject. Cognitive self-control (as well as other manifestations of self-control) is characterized by the unity of its volitional and reflexive formations. The content-oriented structural component of the ability to self-control piano learning of future music teachers encompasses systemic theoretical knowledge of the integral significance of piano teaching and performance, understanding its polyfunctional peculiarities and significance in this process of self-control. The content-oriented structural component of the self-control ability in piano teaching and performance of future music teachers involves effective-practical and reflexive-oriented components. The effective-practical aspect includes such elements as self-observation, comparison, self-examination and self-esteem, acting as sequential actions. The reflexive-oriented aspect covers components: theoretical knowledge, motives, reflexive mechanisms, indicative schemes-images. The significance of the ability to self-control future teachers of musical art is singled out in piano teaching and performing activities.

Author Biography

Gao Zhoujun, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

Gao Zhoujun, Postgraduate Student at the Faculty of Arts named after Anatolii Avdiievskyi, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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