Performing stability of the future music teacher: the essence and characteristics


  • Xu Weiwei National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)


expected stressors; future music teachers; musical performance; performing stability; type of performing behaviour; unexpected stressors


The article deals with the problem of the performance stability of the future music teacher, which is relevant for all types of performing activities. Author establishes music performance as one of the components of the professional activity of a music teacher. Paper examines specificity of the vocal-performing activity of student interns. Author identifies the influence of expected and unexpected stressors on the stability of the vocal performance process. Article outlines stable and unstable types of performing behavior of students. Paper describes the content of external and internal factors of influence on performers' stage behavior. External factors include social circumstances and conditions that promote musical and performing self-realization during the vocal training process, proper self-assessment of their own musically creative and intellectual abilities as well as psychological support for vocational education by the faculty. The internal factors include: active and creative attitude to the process of vocal education, philosophical attitude to the failures and complexities of musical performance, open communication and positive attitude to critique of the problems of musical performance, the dominance of intellectual and volitional beginning over emotional, adequate assessment of the complexity of vocal-pedagogical repertoire and readiness for its implementation, experience in overcoming the negative phenomena of performing activities. Author outlines a scientific definition of the essence of the concept of "performance stability of the future teacher of musical art" as a complex acquired integral quality of the individual, which is determined by the ability to permanently reproduce the results of the previous educational and rehearsal music activity in the emotional conditions of the public performance of musical works.

Author Biography

Xu Weiwei, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

Xu Weiwei, Postgraduate Student at the Faculty of Arts named after Anatolii Avdiievskyi, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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