Training of future music arts teachers for professional activity with studies ways of visual modeling



advisory approach; means of visual modeling; preparation of future teachers of musical art; productive activity with students


The article reveals specific features of the preparation of future teachers of musical art for productive work with pupils in secondary schools. Illustrating the peculiarities of the preparation of students of the faculties of the arts of the pedagogical universities for working with the students with innovative means, in particular, the means of visual modeling. The content of visual modeling and its influence on the training of future teachers of musical art for productive activity with pupils is considered. The main directions of implementation of visual modeling are: orientation to individual forms of artistic education; activization of creative independence of students of faculties of art of pedagogical universities; functioning of an advisory approach to musical and informational activity. Relying on the research of domestic and foreign scientists, we considered innovations as opposed to pedagogical innovations as the final result of the complex process of creation, dissemination and use on a scientific basis of a new pedagogical tool for more effective satisfaction of the already known social needs in a separate collective for the purpose of modernization or rationalization of education and upbringing Such innovations will have a radical (highest level of negligence) or modified (partial changes and combinations) character. Pedagogical innovation activity is a complex, integrated process that includes both pedagogical innovations in their life cycle of invention, communication and evaluation, and their result - innovation and creative approach. The importance of the advisory approach to the training of future teachers of musical art for productive activity with students is emphasized, that in the process of designing and implementing innovative pedagogical activities it is necessary to focus on the person as a goal, a subject and the result of the effectiveness of this work. The innovative activity of the teacher of musical art is manifested in the timely design of the educational process, in goal setting, the definition of goals, objectives, content and specific technologies of artistic innovation training.

Author Biography

Larysa Likhitska, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)

Likhitska Larysa Mykolaivna, PhD (Candidate of Pedagogy), Associate Professor at Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after M. Kotsiubynskyi (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)


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