Productive-practical stage of formation of ethno-pedagogical culture with students of arts faculties in pedagogical universities
formation of ethnopedagogical culture; future teachers of musical art; productive-practical stage; vocational trainingAbstract
The article reveals features of the productive and practical stage of the formation of the ethnopedagogical culture of future teachers of musical art in the process of professional training. On the basis of certain criteria and indicators of the intellectual-value component, the methodical measures on formation of the ethnopedagogical culture of future teachers of musical art are determined. The methods and measures for forming the students' interest in knowledge in the field of Ukrainian ethnopedagogy, which provided for the use of a set of means for a particular psychological and pedagogical impulse, which should awaken such an interest, are singled out. Practically effective, suggestive, persuasive methods of Ukrainian folk pedagogy, as well as the leading means of Ukrainian ethnomusicology pedagogy - musical folklore and national classical music art are revealed. To consolidate the educational material, the task for self-fulfillment was used, which included both direct control of the knowledge of future teachers of musical art in the field of value systems of Ukrainian folk pedagogy, as well as activation of thought operations in accordance with four operating units. Block I. Development of intellectual-analytical skills. Block II. Development of intellectual-concrete skills. Block III. Development of intellectual and comparative skills. Block IV. Development of intellectual-classification skills. The application of methods of heuristic conversation, heuristic polylogue, educational discussion, methods of collective discussion, evaluation and ranking of success in the process of using ethnopedagogical tools during lessons of musical art is described.
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