Musical-rhythmic competence as an important condition for professional training of future music and choreography teachers
music and choreography educator; musical-choreographic disciplines; musical-rhythmic competence; professional competenceAbstract
The issue of musical-rhythmic competence, as well as the specifics of shaping it in the process of the prospective music and choreography teachers’ training, is revealed in the article. The scholars’ (psychologists’, teachers’) interest was focused on the issue of competence in late 1980s, and, as a result, a special scientific domain, or competence approach in education, has emerged. The notion of occupational competence unites the concepts of qualification, professionalism, occupational skills. Music and rhythm competence is the constituent of the prospective Music and Choreography teacher’s occupational competence. For specifying the notion of music and rhythm competence, it is worth considering the content and the issue of the prospective Music and Choreography teacher’s occupational competence, since it is one of the uppermost in contemporary psychology and pedagogical literature within the framework of the maturity level and occupational achievement characteristics of a teacher as the efficient implementer of educational work. Specifics of the teacher’s Music and Choreography theoretical training within learning environment in higher institutions lie in the synthesis of pragmatic and information teaching and goal-oriented facilitating the student’s potential abilities (music and rhythm skills, personal qualities), his creative mastery. Education is targeted on training an efficient, new generation teacher with profound theoretical knowledge and skills of an artistic Music and Choreography expert able to implement his occupational competences and personal qualities in the process of music and rhythm practical activity. The object of the article is to identify the essence of music and rhythm competence, the specifics of Music and Choreography disciplines functioning in the process of Music and Choreography teacher’s training; his occupational competence ought to be the security of not only efficient Music, Choreography and pedagogical practical activity, but also of the effective personal self-fulfilment within contemporary social domain.
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