The interaction of logical and emotionally-artistic in enlightenment activity of future music art teacher


  • Olga Kuznetsova H.Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)


art teacher; musical enlightenment in school; schoolchildren emotionality


The specifics of educational activity of students of arts faculties of pedagogical universities are revealed. The directions of musical-educational work with students are allocated: agitation and propaganda activities; proclamation of artistic and aesthetic richness; use of musical and educational knowledge in general practical work; use of musical, emotion-artistic, enlightenmently and educational ideas in creative activity; organizing of meaningful recreation and leisure for children and youth pupils. An important aspect of the vocational training of a future teacher of musical art is the implementation of methodological analysis in activities of musician, wich should be reflected in the qualitative considerations, because it can be more or less deep, logically slender, but should be present in a brighter form in creative activities of masters of music art. The emphasis is on the artistic and musical education of pupils in extra-curricular time, which contributes to emotional-figurative holistic perception of works of musical art by schoolchildren, activation of artistic-thinking thinking through the synthesis of arts. An active interaction of educational activity with ideas of enlightenment can be as an example for any kind of arts. Musical, educational and enlightenmently activities allow actively to develop speech, musical memory, creative thinking, imagination, fantasy and in general emotional and sensual sphere of schoolchildren, while combining logically balanced and emotional saturation in the process of performing activity organically. The role of planning of musical and educational work with future musical art teachers is emphasized. The educational planning is determined by the following parameters: perspective, quarterly, weekly. The main sections of the plan are defined: the name of the event (if the measure is for professionals, then the title should be short, otherwise, it is better full); purpose of the event; form of conduct; venue; term of conducting; logistics; responsible for holding the event. The significance of the methodical preparation of the future teacher of musical art, which provides a deep knowledge of their subject and the possibility of their bright manifestation in practical activity with students, is outlined. 

Author Biography

Olga Kuznetsova, H.Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Kuznetsova Olga Aleksiivna, Ph.D. (Candidate of Pedagogy), Professor at the Department of Musical and Instrumental Training, Faculty of Arts, H.Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)


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