Development of emotional intelligence of senior teenagers in the conditions of studying in institutions of general secondary education
aesthetic experiences; art therapy; emotional response; integrated art lessons; perception of musicAbstract
The article considers ways of development of emotional intelligence of senior teenagers in conditions of studying in institutions of general secondary education. The theoretical and practical achievements of domestic and foreign scientists on the research problem are analyzed, the basic techniques of art therapy, which can be applied in the educational environment when working with older teens, are outlined. The graduate of the institution of general secondary education is not enough to have a high level of knowledge on various subjects for the further successful life - you need to be able to apply the acquired skills in different situations. This can greatly contribute to the high level of emotional intelligence that develops best in older adolescents. It is proved that emotional intelligence can be developed through verbal and nonverbal communication, accordingly selecting the techniques of art therapy and developing a program for their application in the educational space. The article suggests that emotional intelligence is developing through music the best. That is why it is possible to achieve a high level of development of the above-mentioned phenomenon in the senior teenagers at art lessons. The author proposes to conduct integrated lessons, which will allow to implement an intermodal approach in the conditions of studying in institutions of general secondary education. The practical concept is being revealed due to implementing the pedagogical potential of art-therapeutic methods variety, as well as its implementation within the comprehensive school teaching process when teenagers grasp the musical mastery skills. This allows to achieve the goal of developing the emotional intelligence of older adolescents by means of art therapy in the conditions of study in institutions of general secondary education. The article states that new approaches to the development of emotional intelligence of senior adolescents are based on the material of their experience of musical perception. It is proved that the emotional intelligence is most likely to be solved through a combination of different forms of art within the framework of the intermodal approach. The author searches for new methods of combining various forms of arts and techniques of art therapy those are effective in achieving the goal. The article states that it is best to promote the development of emotional intelligence in adolescents’ language creativity techniques, dance-motor therapy, pattern therapy in conjunction with appropriately selected musical material.
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