Formation of teenager’s artistic knowledge according to their age characteristics and needs




artistic knowledge, peculiarities and needs of adolescence, art education


 In recent years, there has been great interest among educators in development of the artistic knowledge of adolescent students. The purpose of the article is to highlight the basic age characteristics, through objective and subjective factors that influence the formation of artistic knowledge of teenagers when studying educational material in integrated music lessons and after-school activities. When teaching teenagers, it is important to take into account age characteristics that affect their learning. At the same time, you must consider how age impacts their cognitive ability which may assist or hinder learning. We discuss the following: Characteristics of adolescent learners; Effects of age on artistic knowledge; Different factors that influence formation of artistic knowledge. Updating and acquiring new artistic knowledge is closely linked to the cognitive processes of understanding, perception and thinking. The experience, consciousness, intelligence and worldview of the student play a significant role in these processes. In this context, it is important to develop the artistic knowledge of adolescent students, which has some differences due to age characteristics and the impact of art on the student. They have both direct and indirect impact on students’ learning of artistic knowledge. Such age-specific features are considered as a collection of information from different kinds of art, which is the result of the perception and understanding of artistic phenomena, reproduced in the mind of the teenager in the form of concepts, judgments and emotional-value relations and serve as a basis for the formation of an artistic picture of the world. School art education has been found to have a number of unresolved issues, one of which is related to the influence of age characteristics on the formation of adolescents’ artistic knowledge in the process of learning educational material in integrated music arts lessons. Changing the curricula of "Musical Art" and "Art", increasing / reducing and refining their content and reducing the hours in the school component complicates the formation of artistic knowledge and updates the topic of the article. In psycho-pedagogical and art literature the questions of age peculiarities and their influence on the formation of adolescent knowledge were considered by L. Vygotsky, O. Leont’ev, D. Elkonin, F. Dalto, I. Kulagin, T. Marakhovska, D. Kolesov and D. Myagkov, D. Feldstein, and Y. Cherkashina. Separate conclusions on this issue are found in the researcher L. Bozhovich. In the context of school education, the relevant concept of subcultures is considered by L. Lysenko and T. Strogal. As a result, in determining the basic features of adolescence, we want to distinguish subjective and objective factors having impact on the formation of adolescents’ artistic knowledge. Thus, among the objective ones, we can see the influence of mass culture; the impact of the environment (informal groups, families); the impact of information technology (Google effect). Subjective include the following: individual characteristics, age-related psychophysiological features and the presence of artistic and aesthetic experience.

Author Biographies

Roksolana Spitsa, Boris Grinchenko University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Spitsa Roksolana Igorivna, Candidate of Pedagogy (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer at the Department of Elementary Education, Pedagogical Institute, Boris Grinchenko University of Kyiv

Olena Polatayko, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Polatayko Olena Mykhailivna, Candidate of Pedagogy (Ph.D.), Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy of Art and Piano Performance, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Victoria Fizer , Mukachevo State University (89600, Mukachevo, Ukraine)

Fizer Victoria Semenovna, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Singing, Conducting and Musical-Theoretical Sciences, Mukachevo State University


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