Historical and cultural concept of forming humane relationships in a children’s choir
children’s choir, humane values, democratic principlesAbstract
The schoolchildren's participation in the choir is primarily aimed at the development of aesthetic needs, national consciousness, the affirmation of humane principles not only in collective relationships but also in life situations. In this context, the problem of humanizing relationships in the process of collective music activity becomes especially relevant. One of the main conditions for its implementation is the participation of children in active socially valuable activities, in the process of which the knowledge and practical experience are formed, which are important for the consolidation of humane views, ideas, feelings, relationships and behavior. The leading means of educational influence on children are school choirs. At the same time, it should be noted that in many choir collectives, the proper conditions of moral and aesthetic education, the forming of humane values, which affect the functioning of the educational process as a whole, are not yet provided. Humanism as a system of philosophical views and direction of public opinion originated in ancient times, formed in the Renaissance and has been developed in subsequent periods up to the present. It is known that in ancient times the basic principles of humane education were outlined. For example, Socrate’s creative heritage makes it possible to formulate such principles of humane learning as providing the conditions for positive mental development and self-development of the individual and, above all, his independent, active, creative thinking. In Ukraine for many years, a rather specific moment of humanization of the schoolchildren education can be considered as an appeal to extracurricular forms and means of educational influence. The main focus of our study is the humanistic approach to the perception of the student as a partner, the subject of communication with their specific characteristics and individual characteristics, as well as the factors influencing the relationships of children in the team. The most effective form of educational influence is the participation of children in choral groups. Approaching the world of beauty happens in the process of their active musical activity in terms of creative communication with peers under the guidance of the choirmaster. Such an approach is especially important in the difficult contemporary context of the devaluation of general norms of culture when it is necessary to create an atmosphere of cooperation between the caregiver and the pupil, which promotes the process of self-knowledge, self-improvement of the child. Summarizing the above, we emphasize that humane relationships in extracurricular music-creative activity are presented to us as a complex emotional-value formation, which is determined into reflexive relationships, forming new qualitative interests that cause motivation to manifest.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Sverliuk L. I.; Scientific journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education
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