Piano reliability of students of art faculties of pedagogical universities in the psychological and pedagogical aspect





performing reliability, students of art faculties of pedagogical universities, emotional stress, stress, distress, personality-oriented piano training


The article discusses the essence of the piano reliability of students of art faculties of pedagogical universities. The urgency of the problem is determined in the context of a clearly defined educational trend in the field of permanent optimization of professional training for future musician teachers, the activation of innovative technologies in the field of pedagogy of art, and the constant methodological updating of pedagogical science. It has been established that the inability of future music educators to quality piano performance can lead to unjustified losses and shortcomings directly in the process of future professional activity. As a result of the analysis of scientific and theoretical literature on the issue of research, the reliability of musical performance is outlined as an integral part of the performing skills of an instrumental musician. The definition and content of the performing reliability of students of art faculties of pedagogical universities by leading modern scientists is given and analyzed. The influence of stressful situations on the quality of the piano playing in the process of public performance has been investigated. It is proved that the reliability of student performance of piano works depends on his psychological and emotional sphere, which is responsible for the stage behavior of a person, adapting it to the emotional conditions of demonstrating the results of previous work. The content of two main varieties of emotional stress is disclosed - eustress and distress. The basic steps of the formation of piano reliability in the plane of purposeful organization of student-oriented piano education of students are presented. The author’s definition of the phenomenon under study as an integral quality acquired in the process of piano training by students of the faculties of art at pedagogical universities is developed, which ensures the emotional and stressful conditions of a public piano game that fully and efficiently fulfil the task set during the previous piano training with the aim of revealing the artistic-figurative content of the musical works.

Author Biography

Chen Wenfeng, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Chen Wenfeng, postgraduate student at the Faculty of Arts, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


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