Synergetic approach: the nature and characteristic features of the use of art pedagogy in scientific research




creative self-development of a person, synergetic, motivation for training and performing activities, self-organization, synergetic paradigm, pedagogy of art


The article considers the problem of using the synergetic approach in modern studies of pedagogy of art as an important factor in introducing elements of innovation in all areas of pedagogical science with the aim of forming the personality of the teacher – a conductor of quick and effective changes in secondary and higher education institutions. The synergetic approach is outlined as one of the methodological foundations that direct modern pedagogical research in the direction of evolutionary development and self-organization of complex systems, allow us to identify a new paradigm of modern pedagogy of art, direct it to the development of creative personality. The concept of “synergetic” is defined as an interdisciplinary direction of scientific research in the field of evolving systems. It has been established that the synergetic approach actualizes such a direction in the development of pedagogical science as pedagogical synergetic. It has been examined that synergistic approach and its potential regarding the development of the future music teacher’s motivational sphere to teaching and performing were revealed in the process of instrumental preparation. A set of specific categories characteristic of the synergetic approach is outlined. Some of these categories are considered in the context of the formation of students of the faculty of arts of pedagogical universities motivation for learning and performing activities as the basis for further professionalism of an art teacher. The essence and characteristic features of the synergetic approach are specified. The strategic orientation of the synergetic approach to the creative self-development of a person based on the principles of the development of complex evolving systems was stated.

Author Biography

Qu Ge, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Qu Ge, postgraduate student at the Faculty of Arts, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


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