Heuristic methods for forming the art perceptions of future teachers of music and choreography





future teachers of music and choreography, artistic perception, heuristic methods


Relevance of the study. Сhanges in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process in art higher education institutions are aimed at stimulating students to acquire professional competencies, and giving them independent work of creative, problematic and research character. It should be emphasized that each year of the new century, we are increasingly asserting that we are on the threshold of a new era, which has completely new qualitative characteristics in all areas of human life. In this connection, the problem of formation of artistic and figurative perception of future music teachers and choreography by means of plastic intonation, which provides the opportunity for emotional influence on students, instilling in them interest in music-performing choreographic activity, expansion of artistic world outlook becomes more relevant. Aim and Objectives. The purpose of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of heuristic teaching methods in the process of formation of artistic and figurative perception of students of the faculties of arts of pedagogical universities. Objectives of the article: To consider the use of heuristic teaching methods in the professional development of future teachers of music and choreography; to analyze the use of heuristic methods of teaching in the process of forming artistic and figurative perception of students of the faculties of arts of pedagogical universities; to consider the influence of the use of heuristic teaching methods on the process of formation of artistic and figurative perception of future teachers of music art and choreography by means of plastic intonation. Research methods. The article investigates the effectiveness of the introduction of heuristic teaching methods for the formation of artistic and figurative perception of students of the faculties of arts of pedagogical universities. On the basis of the study of scientific works and the available pedagogical experience, heuristic methods of teaching are directed to the formation of artistic and figurative perception of future teachers of music art in the process of professional education in a higher pedagogical institution. Results. The use of heuristic methods of teaching in the process of forming the artistic and figurative perception of students of the faculties of arts of pedagogical universities was carried out in complex during the conduct of music-pedagogical practice of future teachers of music and choreography with students. Among the effective heuristic teaching methods are the following: methods of activating students’ perceptions in music lessons; a method of understanding cause and effect relationships method of appropriate solutions of creative problems; inductive method of establishing the cause and effect dependence of the choice of educational materials for involving schoolchildren in plastic intonation and use of educational clarity; a method of producing emotional-evaluative reactions to the perception of works of art, etc. Тhe complex of heuristic methods envisaged to provide students of the faculties of arts with the ability to use the heuristic approach in activating the students’ artistic perception in the lessons of musical art and in extra-curricular work in the conditions of work of the vocal-choreographic ensemble. Conclusions. Under the available conditions, the effectiveness of the use of heuristic teaching methods is envisaged in the process of formation of artistic and figurative perception of students of the faculties of arts of pedagogical universities and in their future musical and pedagogical activity.

Author Biography

Andriana Dzhumelia, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Dzhumelia Andriana Zenoviivna, lecturer at the Choreography Chair (Faculty of Arts), National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


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