Formation of musical thinking of future music teachers in the course of applying competency-based approach
competency-based approach, competency, competence, musical thinking, music-intonation dictionaryAbstract
The article explores the peculiarities of the implementation of a competency-based approach to the formation of the thinking activity of future music teachers in the process of music education in general and during the improvement of the musical-intonational vocabulary. We understand competence as a set of interrelated personality traits, a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, and practices. We also give emphasis to the concept of competence as the possession of a person's relevant competence, which contains his or her personal attitude to the object of activity. A competency-based approach to education is linked to a person-centered and activity-based approach to learning, as it is based on the individual's personality and can only be implemented and tested in the course of performing a set of actions. We consider the volume of musical thinking in terms of the development of the music-intonation vocabulary of future teachers, whose refinement creates the basis for forming the ability to combine individual musical impressions into a holistic picture of musical art, and the creative expression of the teacher in music. Thinking as a process of knowing objects or phenomena involves searching for connections: external and internal, essential and insignificant. In the art of music, the connection of phenomena in motion, variability in the ratio of sound elements is especially important. In the article, we identify the intonation dictionary not as a dictionary of musical terms, but as a “stock” of liked musical intonations was remembered. It needs to transform the content of education, to transform it from a model that exists objectively, for "all" teachers, to the subjective attributes of one teacher who can be measured. The competency-based approach focuses on the results of education, and the result of education is not the amount of information learned, but the ability of a person to act in various problematic situations.
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