The content of integral competence of future music art and choreography teachers




integral competence, future teachers, Music Art, Choreography, taxonomy, metacognition, transversal competences


Relevance of the study. The focus of the educational process on the training of highly qualified professionals draws the attention to the problems of forming the expert knowledge of future specialists. Among the basic skills, the governing documents highlight the role of integral (professional) competence, the one which provides professional ability to effectively put into practice the knowledge formed in the educational process. In this context, the study examines the integral competence (hereinafter referred to as IC) of future Music Art and Choreography teachers, as a qualification metaconstruct, which functional role is to coordinate the processes of actualization and formation of competence in compliance with the goals and objectives of the variative-creative process of art education. Literature Review. An analysis of relevant scientific research has established that in the contents of the IK of future specialists in various branches, scientists identify the ability to provide integration processes and the application of professional and general competence. Purpose. The main aim of the study is to specify the content of the integral competence of future Music Art and Choreography teachers. Research methods. The study uses methods of analysis of literature sources, comparison and generalization of information, theoretical synthesis in order to create a synthetic representation of the content of IR future Music Art and Choreography teachers. Results. In order to give concrete expression to the content of the future Music Art and Choreography teachers, I analyzed the theory of taxonomic construction of educational goals by B. Bloom and co-authors (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956), as well as a review of this concept, carried out by a creative team of cognitive psychologists and educators, led by L. Anderson (Anderson, et al., 2001). In the last of the above-mentioned works, it was determined that the competence sphere has a two-dimensional structure, which consists of the process of cognition and knowledge as such. At the same time, along with factual, conceptual and procedural knowledge, metacognition (knowledge about knowledge) functions in it, which determines the ability to control the processes of formation and updating of knowledge, skills and abilities. In this regard, metacognition is considered as the content of IR future Music Art and Choreography teachers. It was found that the functioning of the metacognition within the specified construct is ensured by the awareness of the future specialist about the classification and updating of the necessary complex of specialized professional, pedagogical and transversal competence. Discussion. This study is based on L. Andersen's and co-authors (Anderson, et al., 2001) concept, within which metacognition is seen as the coordinating over-component of the competence area. The above-mentioned function of metacognition in the content of IC contributes to the implementation of the latter's intended purpose, which consists in integrating competencies into integral complexes, with their subsequent updating. The presented theoretical concept differs from the concepts proposed by scientists. As mentioned above, the authors suggest that the content of IC consists of the ability to put into practice complexes of general and professional competence, without specifying the nature and content of such abilities. Findings. The presented work contains a theoretical study of the integral function of metacognition, the implementation of which contributes to the process of structuring competence complexes and their application in order to solve the problems of the artistic and educational process. It is determined that during such process, these goals are formed correlatively under the influence of various factors, such as the level at which the student must master artistic knowledge and skills. So, the formation of performing skills requires the teacher to update the performing-methodological, performing-creative, valeological competency. The development of aesthetic perception and general culture, the expansion of the emotional and aesthetic horizons, the formation of creative skills are more global tasks of Art education, the implementation of which provides for the updating of interpretation-hermeneutical, musical-theoretical, verbal-pedagogical, organizational and creative competency. Originality. The novelty of this work lies in the study of the content of future teachers of musical art and choreography – a qualification metaconstruction that did not become the subject of scientific interest of other authors. Innovative, also, is the study of the function of metaknowledge in the content of the competence of the mentioned specialists. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was found that the content of the future Music Art and Choreography teachers is determined at two levels – procedural and productive. At the procedural level, such content is comprised of skills and abilities shaped in the process of achieving taxonomically structured goals of the artistic and educational process. At a productive level, metaknowledge is systematized into meaningful domains. In particular, the domain of “strategic knowledge” embraces metacognitive skills to structure competency complexes from professional, pedagogical, and transversal competencies. The domain “knowledge of cognitive tasks” is responsible for the functioning of competence complexes in the context of taking into account the individual characteristics of students and the goals of the artistic and educational process. The domain "self-knowledge" provides the ability to adjust the content of competency complexes taking into account personal characteristics and the competency level of the teacher. The domain "assessment of goals" provides the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the mentioned processes in the context of performing tasks of the artistic and educational process. Significance. Concretization of the content of the IC of future Music Art and Choreography teachers is necessary to determine the forms and methods of its formation in order to train highly qualified specialists in the field of Art education.

Author Biography

Inha Khmelevska, K. D. Ushynsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (65000, Odesa, Ukraine)

Khmelevska Inha Oleksiivna, Lecturer, Division of Musical Art and Choreography, K. D. Ushynsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University


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