Normative framework for professional training of future music teachers within the context of the New Ukrainian School concept tasks
emotional intelligence, educational process, normative document, joint skillsAbstract
Relevance of the study. The article shows the results of the analysis of normative documents of secondary schools and higher education institutions for the purpose of their consistency with the conceptual tasks of the New Ukrainian School. Literature review. The article focuses on the concept “emotional intelligence” being the key one in a new innovative type of learning – social and emotional learning (SEL) – which developed countries initiate and actively introduce to the national education systems worldwide. The development of emotional intelligence among students as joint cross-cutting skills belongs to one of the goals set by the New Ukrainian School Concept, and it serves to respectively guide the professional training of a future teacher and to raise his/her readiness to ensure the actual application of the up-to-date ideas of the state educational policy at a secondary school. Purpose: to analyze normative documents of general and higher education institutions that train specialists under the “Secondary education (Music)” program (program code 014) to assess the documents’ consistency with the conceptual tasks of the New Ukrainian School. Research methods. The methodology and methods of scientific research used a set of theoretical methods: study of scientific literature, analysis of the terminological apparatus and of the legal framework of general secondary and higher music and teacher education, citation. The comparative analysis revealed insufficient consistency and some contradiction between the conceptual tasks of the modern Ukrainian school and the content of educational and professional training programs for future teachers of music. Results. The analysis of the State Standard of Primary Education, a typical educational program, has helped define the notion of emotional intelligence as a joint skill for all the competences which pupils have to master according to the normative documents. Analysis of Ukraine’s Law “On Higher Education”, and of the educational and professional training under the “Secondary education (Music)” program (code 014) related to the “Education/Pedagogy” field (code 01), as of the normative documents that regulate the educational process of higher educational institutions, has shown that actual training of the specialists in this field only partially touches upon the targeted and systematic formation of emotional intelligence as a personally and professionally important skill of a teacher, as evidenced by the list of specific competencies. Conclusions. The study concludes that the existing contradiction between the need to introduce reforms into the educational process of the modern Ukrainian school and the lack of the appropriate normative framework that would allow the future teachers of music to undergo the respective training necessitates an urgent need to adjust the content of the current educational and training programs for the specialists in the mentioned field.
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