Essence of the "musical auditory perception" in modern scientific research
primary schoolchildren, musical auditory perceptions, musical intonation, musical activity, performing skillsAbstract
The article discusses the evolution of the concept of “musical auditory perception” and discloses modern views of scientists related to this phenomenon. It is noted that the views of the teaching musicians regarding the importance of the concept formation underwent changes and were determined by the structure and mechanics of the musical instrument, in particular the piano. The methodological systems of teaching how to play the piano changed accordingly: the instrumental technique took the inferior position contrary to the process of intonation and sound formation in terms of the formation of musical auditory perception. The analysis of modern methodological publications related to the musical education shows that the formation of musical auditory perception becomes pivotal for the successful musical activity, helps reveal the personality of students and has a significant effect on their musical development and aesthetic preferences. During the process of performing, the auditory processing activity serves as a basis for the formation of musical auditory perceptions. This activity maintains auditory-motor coordination, assesses the performance according to the artistic and technical parameters whereby encourages adjustments to the process of performance and its outcomes, forms a certain stock of musical and intonational perceptions. The ability to apply these and mastering elementary performing skills allow students to actively involve in the creative process of performing musical works. In this regard, there are two conditions that need to be addressed in the teaching process: the student has to be set an accurate and interesting task; the student has to be trained to hear what he or she actually performs. Based on the accumulated teaching experience, we come to a conclusion that the more complex the situation with the music pedagogy becomes, the more attention should be paid to the development of musical auditory perceptions. Such a process becomes the most favorable in teaching music at specialized musical institutions, and the formation of musical auditory perception should be the main task of a pianist educator.
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