Perspectives of performative artistic didactics in metamodern environment
didactic strategies, metanoia technique, principle of atopic metaxis, postmodern methodology of art didactics, performative concept of professional educationAbstract
Relevance of the study. The modern competency-based education focused on human self-actualization as gnostic mask in a digitall world-text. However, diacritic ability, sensible discretion (prudentia) is a function of apperception of moral consciousness, and, therefore, it is considered to be the first human virtue, the main soul activity. Thus, the aim of the article is to identify and substantiate the considerable differences between post- and metamodern concepts of educational process as anthropological factors. Material & Methods. The systematic thinking methodology of the proposed research has applied semiotic, phenomenological and hermeneutic approaches, methods of coherent modeling and expert evaluation of the theory of conceptual integration, the connective theory of metaphorical interpretation, the concept of non-linear epistemology, the principles of antinomy, verification, complexity, disjunctive synthesis. Results. The post-non-classical didactics of higher education considers studies to be a complex non-linear, open and self-developmental process the determining factor of which is the interaction between “a student and an educationally professional task”. Consequently, the teachers’ functions, the meaning of leading didactic principles, forms, methods, techniques have undergone changes. Discussion.The organization of digital training, especially in a variety of forms (blogs, online encyclopedias, online discussion clubs, online games and simulators, online courses within management systems (Learning management systems, LMS), open on-line courses (MOOK), tablet and smartphone applications and many others) is considered to be a factor that can significantly increase the novelty effect and the corresponding motivation of cognition and amazement, content comprehension and understanding. (R. Andrews, 2011; M. Dzhanelli, 2018; E. Ivanova, 2009; A. Uman, 2010; E. Kösel, 1993). Therefore, modern educational process is a decentralized, multi-vector, heterogeneous system that merely mimics something from predictive and transformative self-organization, This approach to education affirms self-centered individualism encouraging future specialists to reflect on the expediency of machine kenosis what means transgression in the “bodies” of a transformer, cyborg, android robot so on. A promising solution to the crisis of post-modern methodology of professional education can be the performative concept of future specialists’ professional training. The ability of a modern performative player to performance act provides for the creation (organization) of an artistic phenomenon / art project as an atopic metaxis - simultaneously in reality symbol and / between in the symbol of reality. Findings. Years ago the opportunity of the epistemological contemplation of the internal essence (λόγος ένδιάθετος) was ironically rejected. Previously, the possibility of such epistemological contemplation of the subject essence of an art-symbolic tetrade (icon-index-symbol-relate) was ironically denied. Now, in the atmosphere of metamodernist oscillation, its implementation is being activated due to the introduction of metanoiа technique. Two methodological willingness to it and the event itself: involving the soul wandering in a whirling passion in an existential transformation and is the focus on the act as the only form of not only mediation of the students’ thinking process but also its reconstruction and variation. Originality. Effectiveness of the realization of this aspect is proved by the strategies created in the para-art space: metareflection, the “double frame” strategy, design provocation, soft-norm, constructive pastiche, aspects of metanoia are known to exist, namely the norm-core. In conclusion, we would like to sum up that contrary to liberal education, methodology of the realization of soteriological mission of the teacher in the society is the chance to prevent the future specialists’ from ‘existential exhaustion and sleepiness’, according to J. Fichte.
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