Theoretical foundations of the formation of skills of educational self-organization of future teachers of choreographic disciplines




skills of educational self-organization, future teachers of choreographic disciplines, professional training, independent activity, structure of skills of educational self-organization, motivation, self-education, reflection


The article reveals the theoretical foundations of the formation of skills of educational self-organization of future teachers of choreographic disciplines as an important component of their professional training. It is noted that the development of the volitional and mobile sphere of the modern student, his ability to independent educational activity under his own management and control today is regarded not only as a source of constant and purposeful self-motivation of education and self-development, but also as the basis for successful professional training. The content of the concept of "ability of educational self-organization of students-choreographers" in the context of professional education, which is interpreted as the ability to independently and independently choose an individual trajectory, ways and means of their professional education and creative self-realization for the purpose of their rational planning, management, control and evaluation, is highlighted.

It is determined that self-organizing skills are implemented at the external (objective) and internal (subjective) levels of education. The first level reflects the influence of self-organization on the definition of goals, directions, aspects, components and components of professional training, as well as the features of the content, types and forms of educational activities. The second level reflects the mental mechanisms that implement the complex interaction of neural connections, mental and emotional complexes and volitional manifestations of the personality in solving problems of an educational nature.

The structure of skills of educational self-organization has been developed, the components of which are the target, content and effective components. The target component reflects the ability to independently determine the strategic and current goals of education, actively motivate oneself for quality education and self-education, plan and design ways of one's own professional training, predict the expected learning outcomes, implement the focus on improving the quality of one's own education, psychologically positively tune oneself to productive education and overcoming difficulties, achieving the heights of pedagogical and performing skills. The content component includes the ability to work independently and productively with various information sources, individually select, create and use various types, forms and methods of scientific-theoretical, creative and artistic-performing activities, manage and regulate them, organize an educational and dance-training environment in various formats of education and self-training. The effective component reflects the ability to implement adequate self-knowledge and self-analysis of personal mental states, emotions and feelings in educational activities. critically interpret and evaluate the results of education and their own creative growth, develop ways of further correction and correction of shortcomings and mistakes, ensure the maintenance of emotional stability in educational and concert-performing activities

The specifics of the skills of educational self-organization of students in various forms of organization of educational activities (classroom, distance, self-training, etc.) are analyzed. Classroom classes involve the presence of students in classrooms and direct communication of all participants in the educational process. The activity of the volitional, cognitive, creative sphere of students is manifested in such manifestations of consciousness as confidence, attentiveness, composure, discipline, speed of reaction to changes in educational conditions and requirements, as well as initiative, mobility, responsibility. With distance learning, self-organizational skills are formed and developed individually, in the conditions of using information resources of the Internet, the entire arsenal of electronic gadgets, ways of setting up virtual communication to ensure full personal self-realization in the educational process and achieve effective educational results. Self-training is an important component of the professional training of specialists in the field of art, it expressively and individually manifests the self-organizing qualities of the individual. In the conditions of self-training, the student is faced with the need to solve many educational problems and is forced to independently: tune himself to self-educational activities, choose or create the most effective and appropriate ways and techniques of his own education, as well as be able to plan, control, adjust and evaluate his activities during self-training.



How to Cite

KOROTKEVYCH, K. (2024) “Theoretical foundations of the formation of skills of educational self-organization of future teachers of choreographic disciplines”, Scientific Journal of Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Series 14, Theory and Methodology of Arts Education. [Kyiv, Ukraine], 32, pp. 45–53. doi: 10.31392/UDU-nc.series14.2024.32.06.