Cognitive essence of musical intelligence in personality of pupil’ development




cognitive essence, intelligence, musical intelligence, emotional intelligence, personality development, students


The article discusses the problem of the essence of intelligence and its manifestation in various fields of science, it is stated that in the conditions of important socio-cultural changes, accompanied by the influence of emotional stress on the human psyche in any sphere of life, the awareness and understanding by individuals of the manifestation of their own emotions and the emotions of others become significantly relevant.

The concept of «musical intelligence» has been analyzed and specified, as well as its substantive characteristics and place in the development of the student’s personality have been substantiated. It is noted that in the social aspect, musical intelligence reflects the integration of emotional, cognitive, communicative, and regulatory properties of personality. A developed musical intelligence in a teacher becomes a guarantee of their professional effectiveness as a means of creating the necessary psychological atmosphere and establishing mutual understanding with students. 

Based on the study of scientific literature, other information sources, and the comparison of views and theoretical conclusions of various researchers, the cognitive essence of intelligence has been explored, and it has been established that musical intelligence is an important component in the formation of students’ skills and abilities.

As a result of the development of ideas about the nature of cognitive and affective processes of the human brain, enriching the understanding of emotions as a subsystem of consciousness, emotional intelligence is presented; musical intelligence is presented as a means of expanding the content regarding its multiplicity of manifestations.

The article provides an understanding of the essence of musical intelligence, which is one of the components of musical abilities, along with a sense of rhythm, musical ear, voice, and so on. Moreover, many researchers assign a leading role to musical intelligence in the formation of the musical giftedness of an individual. It is intelligence specifically that accounts for the inclusion of creativity in the list of musical abilities – the ability to create something new and unknown. The significance of developing the ability to apply musical intelligence by individuals is demonstrated, along with its connection to students’ abilities. The essence of this skill in the process of forming the student’s personality is highlighted.

