Transfessional and complex approach to the professional training of master's students in musical art




scientific approach in pedagogy, transdisciplinary training, master's students of musical art, professional training


The potential of a transprofessional and complex approach to the professional training of future music teachers is revealed as a methodical basis for this training. The main attention is drawn to the practical orientation of the entire learning process. Characteristic for art education, the broad coverage of various branches of art creates favorable circumstances for the implementation of this approach, which assumes multidimensionality, interdisciplinary, readiness of future teachers to learn and perform in the future a wide range of types of activities; synthesis of knowledge from various scientific fields. Therefore, it is precisely in art education that the transformational renewal of the student training system can become very productive. The application of the transfessional-complex approach implies the parallel implementation of informative and problem-solving methods of education; using techniques of self-immersion and at the same time achieving communicative openness of future teachers; ensuring freedom of choice and at the same time involving students in the performance of unified educational tasks, application of direct interpersonal and electronic remote methods of communication between the teacher and students. Prospective directions for the development of modern national art education are determined by the universalization of knowledge, abilities and skills of students in the field of art, multicultural vectors of the development of art education, pedagogical tools activation in modern conditions of personality formation by means of musical art.

