Artistic and pedagogical interpretation as a methodological basis of professional training of masters of musical arts




The article reveals the essence of the phenomena "interpretation", "musical interpretation" and the key concept "artistic and pedagogical interpretation". The views of modern scientists on the problem of "artistic and pedagogical interpretation" are highlighted. It is proven that this type of interpretation is connected not only with the performing, but also with the musical and educational activities of the teacher-musician. The artistic-pedagogical interpretation of a musical work allows you to organize effective artistic and pedagogical communication, as well as to organically combine the empathic, intellectual, technological (performing) capabilities of a teacher and a student during joint work on a musical work, that is, in the process of its interpretation. Such an interpretation should be based on the principles of retrospection, reliance on the creative method of artists, taking into account the axiological function of musical art. It contains two main components: musical performance and educational activities. Accordingly, the importance of verbal interpretation of musical works, which is characterized by the translation from the artistic language of a musical work into verbal language, is strengthened. Considering the purpose of artistic and pedagogical interpretation, its following functions in the educational process are highlighted: informative and cognitive; mobilization; developmental; orientational; cultural; research; hedonistic. It is noted that the requirements for the professional training of masters of musical art lead to the search for new forms and methods of education that combine musical, performing and verbal components. Therefore, the goal of artistic and pedagogical interpretation is to reveal the essence of a musical work, its internal properties and external connections. It is advisable to carry out such an analysis in all forms of pedagogical work.

