Peculiarities of the influence of musical pieces in the process of their perception on the psychophysiological state of children with autism in music lessons
autism, children with autism, musical art, musical pieces, perception, emotions, psychophysiological state, negative consequencesAbstract
psychophysiological state of children with autism in music lessons
The article deals with the general influence of music on the human body. Attention is focused on the issue of using music to improve the lives of children with autism. We have studied the influence of various musical pieces on the psychophysiological state of children with autism and what features of behavior and musical perception are characteristic for this category of children. The article highlights the importance of improving music education for children with autism and emphasizes the need for an approach that takes into account their features and needs. Music education is an effective means for stimulating the development of various aspects of personality of a child with autism, such as speech development, social and motor skills.
Music has been shown to have great potential to improve the psychophysiological state of children with autism. Certain musical genres, such as folk melodies, classical and instrumental music, have a particularly harmonious effect on children with autism. The use of different musical styles that have a positive impact on the psychophysiology of the child’s body is described. These are following «baroque», «rococo», «classicism», «romanticism», «impressionism». The use of musical pieces with a certain rhythm and tempo helps children with autism improve their communication skills, social skills, learning and overall development. In addition, the relationship between music and the emotional state of children with autism is explored. It is emphasized that music helps children with autism to feel and express their emotions, which contributes to the improvement of their psychological state. Musical pieces that have a positive impact on the psychophysiological state of children with autism, in particular, are classical music and folk melodies. However, it should be remembered that some musical pieces can have a negative impact on children with autism, especially, those with high volume, containing many sounds and stimuli that can excite the child’s nervous system and cause a negative reaction; musical material containing negative emotions can be of great artistic value to the composer as a means of spiritual purification, but at the same time can become a psychological poison to the listener, having a depressing effect on him.
Therefore, the peculiarities of the musical pieces influence in the process of their perception on the psychophysiological state of children with autism in music lessons is a rather important problem, since such children have peculiarities of perception of any musical information.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education [ Naukovij časopis NPU ìmenì M.P. Dragomanova. Serìâ 14. Teorìâ ì metodika mistecʹkoï osvìti ] ISSN:2664-1909
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