Principles of formation of readiness for vocal performance of masters.




master’s students-vocalists, Ukrainian singing traditions, performance experience, Ukrainian classical vocal repertoire, approaches, principles


The process of forming the readiness of masters of the faculties of arts for vocal and performing activities today requires active scientific attention. Identifying the main features of the research will contribute to the development and implementation of an effective method of training masters for executive activities. Scientific attention to the traditions of vocal and performing education of singers in Ukraine deserves clarification. Vocal pedagogy is a component of general pedagogy, musical pedagogy, but has certain specific features in the content, forms and methods of teaching, requires the development of special pedagogical principles that reflect the essential characteristics of the singing education of graduate students-vocalists, requires special principled positions in the choice of means of forming readiness for performing activities , in particular, in the tradition of the Ukrainian vocal school, within which personality formation and professional formation take place. The formation of readiness for vocal performance activities is ensured by the interaction of a system of principles, which include: the principle of national orientation; the principle of systematicity and continuity; the principle of stimulating master vocalists to widely use Ukrainian singing traditions; principle of individualization; the principle of projectivity. Which are supported in our research by scientific approaches: system-holistic, axiological, person-oriented, competence-based, creative approaches.


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