The Problem of training masters-vocalists for artistic and creative activity
masters-vocalists, artistic and creative activity, professional self-realizationAbstract
The article highlights the actual problem of forming the readiness of masters-vocalists for artistic and creative activity. The analysis of scientific literature in the direction of the researched problem allows us to identify significant aspects and essential characteristics of the preparation of graduate students-vocalists for artistic and creative activities. The desired format of a modern specialist is characterized by signs of universality, in particular, a vocalist-performer who has a perfect voice, orients himself in the manners of performing a multi-genre and multi-style repertoire. Accordingly, the modern vocalist-performer possesses an individual creative approach in creating an artistic image of the performed vocal work based on image features. The improvement of the process of professional training of masters-vocalists will be facilitated by preparation for artistic and creative activities, who, in the process of further professional self-realization, will be ready to conduct a cultural dialogue with listeners, which will generally contribute to the formation of the culture of the listening audience and the younger generation, through the introduction of the latest forms of professional self-realization of vocalists - performer.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education [ Naukovij časopis NPU ìmenì M.P. Dragomanova. Serìâ 14. Teorìâ ì metodika mistecʹkoï osvìti ] ISSN:2664-1909
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