Intentional-reflexive approach to creative self-realization of master's students of musical art




intentional-reflective approach, master's students of musical art, comprehensive musical and professional development, readiness for future independent pedagogical work


The article is devoted to the intentional-reflexive approach of forming the ability to creative self-realization of master's students of musical art. From the point of view of the content of art education, the intentional-reflexive approach involves a conscious understanding of the content of music-pedagogical activity, the development of an attitude towards targeted successful art education and readiness for future independent pedagogical work. This important approach helps master's students in musical art to understand pedagogical actions, the ability for artistic reflection, self-evaluation and self-knowledge. Closely related to the intentional-reflexive approach is the communicative-technological approach, which ensures the formation of the readiness of the masters of musical art to choose appropriate methods and techniques for organizing and directing the artistic activities of students. It is thanks to the technological approach that the goals of the developed methodical system are achieved, and its effectiveness is actualized.

Intentional-reflexive approach allows to direct master's students of musical art to comprehensive musical and professional development, to improve the methods of the teacher's influence on students. As a result of the successful implementation of this program, the students of the faculties of arts develop personal and professional qualities and professional abilities, develop the skills and abilities of productive leadership of student groups.


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