The Professiography approach in the question of professional training of the future teacher of choreography
professional activity, choreography teacher, professional training, professional profile, artistic portfolioAbstract
The article reveals the peculiarities of the application of the professional approach in the professional training of future teachers of choreography in higher pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine. Based on the analysis of scientific research, it has been proven that this approach contributes to the disclosure of the content and features of the chosen profession, the determination of the characteristic relationships of the individual with specific phenomena accompanying the work process, and the disclosure of the spectrum of requirements for a specialist as a representative of the relevant profession.
This approach is based on the construction of a professional profile. The article characterizes different types of professional profiles, developed by scientists of various fields of pedagogy, and suggests the implementation of an artistic portfolio in the process of training choreography teachers, as a kind of professional profile, an effective factor in determining the degree of readiness of an individual for professional activity. The requirements for training future teachers of choreography for artistic and pedagogical activity are highlighted.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education [ Naukovij časopis NPU ìmenì M.P. Dragomanova. Serìâ 14. Teorìâ ì metodika mistecʹkoï osvìti ] ISSN:2664-1909
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