Development of motivation for professional self-development of future bachelors of choreography in the educational environment of a higher education institution


  • FRYTSIUK VALENTYNA Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського
  • PAKHOLCHAK YEVHENIIA Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського
  • FRYTSIUK VASYL Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського



professional self-development, future bachelors of choreography, professional training, educational environment


The article analyzes the current state and specific features of the development of motivation for professional self-development of future bachelors of choreography in the educational environment of a higher education institution. Professional self-development of future choreographers is a conscious activity of students aimed at full self-realization in the social sphere defined by their profession, that is, in the activities of a ballet master, head of a choreographic team, teacher of choreographic disciplines. It has been proven that a high level of motivation is an important condition for improving the level of training of future choreographers for professional self-development. The article proves that in the educational environment of a higher education institution, it is necessary to introduce the concept and technologies of person-oriented education into teaching. The educational environment should be friendly and comfortable for learning. Attention is focused on the fact that the motivational sphere of the individual performs several functions. It encourages purposeful personal activity, influences behavior and activity. Under the influence of the motivational sphere, the choice and implementation of a certain line of behavior, a certain activity take place. The personality strives to achieve a previously chosen goal, to solve the foreseen tasks. It has been proven that the implementation of these functions depends on the emotional, volitional and intellectual spheres of the individual. The formation of the need for self-development requires: implementation of the tactical goal system; development and implementation of a system of social incentives that will contribute to the actualization of the need for professional growth, personal and professional development and self-development, continuous improvement of the professionalism of teachers; development of adult education technology in the post-graduate education system; increased attention to the problem of personal development of pedagogical workers, creation of conditions for optimization and harmonization of trends in personal and professional improvement.


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