Main scientific approaches to conducting and choral training of students of arts faculties
students of arts faculties, systemic, axiological, cultural, acmeological, creative approaches, conducting and choral trainingAbstract
The article reveals the main scientific approaches to conducting and choral training of students of arts faculties. The following scientific approaches to conducting and choral training of future music teachers are singled out, namely: systemic, axiological, cultural, acmeological, creative. A systematic approach makes it possible to consider different elements as a whole based on common or similar elements, where the training of a choral conductor is a whole system of interrelated skills and abilities that develop on the basis of the manual instruments available to the conductor. The axiological approach is a kind of philosophical and pedagogical strategy that considers universal human values, self-worth of the individual as a priority research area and explores ways of optimal use of pedagogical resources within the framework of these values. The cultural approach is a set of theoretical-methodological provisions and organizational-pedagogical measures aimed at creating conditions for the development and transmission of pedagogical values and technologies. The acmeological approach involves a set of principles, techniques, methods of scientific research that allow studying and solving scientific and practical problems in the scope of their real ontological existence. The goal of the creative approach to the professional training of the future teacher is the creative application of experience in conditions that can be transferred to other pedagogical objects.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education [ Naukovij časopis NPU ìmenì M.P. Dragomanova. Serìâ 14. Teorìâ ì metodika mistecʹkoï osvìti ] ISSN:2664-1909
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