Non-verbal expression: forms of manifestation of artistic thought in choreography and music (On the example of Crystal Pite's ballet "Body and Soul", 2019)




choreographic image, modern choreographic language, perception of musical image, non-verbal expression, Crystal Pite, ballet "Body and Soul"


This article analyzes the choreographic images of the second part of the ballet named «Body and Soul» created by Crystal Pite, the Canadian choreographer, to the music of Frédéric Chopin’s Preludes Op. 28. It investigates the peculiarities of the interaction between choreographic and musical images, forms, and methods of two interrelated arts’ non-verbal expression. As a result, it is stated that the procedural nature of the flow of musical and choreographic images, their dynamism and temporal modality constitute a common basis that allows two non-verbal languages to "coexist" in the choreographic image and enhance its artistic effect. According to this analysis, the main principles of the interaction between choreographic and musical figures in C. Pite's ballet are the principles of emotional and structural resonance; the principle of the image emotional complementation; the principle of the image correction; and the principle of emotional dissonance.


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