Hermeneutic methodology of value understanding of works of new academic music (of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries)
higher art education, hermeneutic approach, elective studying course, compositional techniques, students of art specialtiesAbstract
The article examines the problem of theoretical and methodological substantiation of the hermeneutic methodology of value understanding of works of new academic music of the second half of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. The conducted musicological analysis of works of new academic music of the specified period testified that professional musical creativity in its development has undergone significant changes and has become one of the most complex phenomena for valuable understanding and interpretation in the professional activity of a teacher-musician. It has been found that considering the complexity of the outlined phenomenon, the theoretical and methodological significance of the hermeneutic approach in the content of higher art education, which is successfully applied in those fields of science and practice where difficult to understand ideas, notions, phenomena, concepts, etc. are encountered, is actualized. Based on this, a complex hermeneutic methodology is substantiated, an important component of which is the elective course "Hermeneutic analysis of works of new academic music of the second half of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries" for master's students of the specialty 025 "Musical Art", concluded in accordance with the requirements of the credit-module system of the organization of the educational process.
Fragments of problem-type seminar and practical classes are presented, where students get to know the best musical examples of the foreign and Ukrainian avant-garde, master new styles and compositional techniques of modern musical art. Along with traditional methods, a complex of heuristic-search methods of pedagogical hermeneutics of art (method of hermeneutic analysis, method of hermeneutic dialogue/polylogue, empathic methods, etc.) is actively used in classes. It has been proven that the training course is aimed at forming a group of professional competencies in students, among which the musical and hermeneutic competence acquires special importance, the formation of which will determine the level of awareness, valuable understanding and comprehension of the meanings of works of new academic music.
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Copyright (c) 2023 [ Scientific journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Series 14, Theory and methodology of arts education ] Nauk. čas. Nac. pedagogìčnogo unìv. ìm. M.P. Dragomanova, Ser. 14, Teor. metod. mistec. osv. [ISSN 2664-1909]
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